Tag Archives: Centering

Basic Meditation Methods

Another video for the classes this fall.

This video gives a brief visual example of  three meditation methods: Centering, Attending and Concentrating.  These are covered in Chapters 2-4 of the book we are using, Real Meditation in Minutes a Day.

The visual example did not work for the fourth method, Opening, described in Chapter 5. I will work on a separate video for that.

Breath- Spirit – Peace

Meditation techniques train various mental qualities. We can use the qualities for many purposes. Spiritual traditions emphasize that the most important purpose for meditation is spiritual practice, and the development of qualities such as love or peace. The following meditation begins as a relaxing breathing exercise and then flows from that to an experience of a peaceful presence.

If you want to download the audio you should be able to at Soundcloud by clicking on the Soundcloud link in the top menu.

For further discussion of the technique — Continue reading Breath- Spirit – Peace